After you've spent the day traveling (and the previous days packing all your stuff) you'll have finally unloaded and said good bye to your parents and/or removals firm.
Now you're in your room with all your stuff ready to unpack, here are a few tips to help you settle in and what to expect.

- Leave your door open either with a door stop or one of your moving boxes while you unpack. It may sound like a small thing but you'll meet your hall mates and make friends so much quicker. Just don't fall asleep or wonder off leaving your door open/unlocked!
- After you've meet a few of your hall mates it normally ends up with a trip to a local bar/pub or a nearby off licence. You don't have to drink if you go to a bar but it's defiantly a good idea to go and socialize over a game of pool or something.
- You may find plenty of vouchers for night clubs/bar offers around your halls or put under your door as they'll want you enjoying their venue and coming back throughout the year. So take advantage of any good offers and get to know your new hall mates on a night out. Just remember you'll have to live with them so it's best not to do anything too embarrassing the first night!
- If you have an internet connection and a laptop/pc you can sometimes find your halls have a facebook group, here you can find people who may have a similar taste in music etc. It might even be a good idea to check to see if there's any groups setup before you move in.
- In the following days you should find out about a fresher's fair, here you can sign up to various activates including badminton teams, rowing, computer club, rock societies etc.
If you have any questions or experiences from your first night at uni please share them below!